Fraunhofer ITMP
Our expertise lies in the research of therapeutic and diagnostic innovations for diseases that are currently untreatable or insufficiently treatable. In preclinical research, we use state-of-the-art technologies, such as various MultiOMICs methods, to explore therapeutic approaches and diagnostic biomarkers. In addition, we develop novel experimental systems and disease models to characterize target molecules and their modulators (drugs) in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo. Our expertise in pharmaceutical chemistry and technology enables us to optimize new active ingredients as well as their dosage form. In the area of clinical research, our core expertise lies in the planning (study design) and quality-assured execution of clinical studies, as well as in the early clinical development of drug candidates in our in-house Phase I station. Our biobank enables basic scientific analysis for the further characterization of diseases in our indication focus immune-mediated diseases and pain.
Our expertise/contribution:
- pharmaceutical chemistry and technology
- preclinical disease models
- various MultiOMICs technologies
- planning, design and quality-assured conduct of clinical trials
- phase I unit
- biobanks